Thursday, 13 May 2010

Creative Wedding Photographer

Photographs are very important in a wedding, and bring the memories of the wedding to life. That is why every wedding must have a good photographer.

The following are some tips on how to choose the most creative wedding photographer.

1. Make some phone inquiry. Gather contact numbers of photographers in your area and ask them for some information regarding their services. Calling at least 15 photographers is enough. You should jot down some notes and select as least three photographers and then request an appointment. During the appointment, you can ask them for work samples so that you will have an idea of their kind of work.
Be punctual and reach the appointment destination on time. It is one of the ways to get a good service from your photographer. It shows your eagerness and interest in their services.

2. Observe the photographer’s attitude. If you are a very good observer, you can easily detect if the photographer is fine to work with or if the photographer got some attitude problems. There are some photographers who are very bossy and they always want to get their best picture even if it means that they would have to ruin your mood.

3. Ask for a complete wedding picture sample. Photographers often select or show you their best photographs to show that they are the best. However, by asking for their entire portfolio of wedding photographs, you can determine which style of photos you like and which ones you dislike.
Also, put yourself in the picture; imagine yourself as if you are the one in the picture and ask yourself if you want that pose or not.

4. Discuss what you want. Be creative. Feel free to express your wedding ideas. It is also a way to observe whether they are interested with what you are saying or they are stiff with their styles and will still follow what they want in terms of taking photographs. Also, discuss the time, date and location of the wedding.

5. Observe their style by looking at their samples. The two styles we often see are the classic style or formal styles and photo journalistic styles. There are photographers who take pictures like in portraits style while there are some who takes candid shots. Both of them are equally good; it depends upon your choice which style you would prefer for your wedding photographs.

It is better to select an experienced photographer who is familiar with either of the two types of shots. Candid shots and portrait shots looks really nice when put together. Flexibility is very important for a photographer.
Knowing how to choose the best photographer for your wedding would ensure you a perfect wedding memory that you would treasure forever. You can show it to your friends, relatives, kids, or even to your grandchildren. It is also a legatee that your family will treasure.

The most important is to make sure that the photographer’s personality will match yours so that you will have no trouble dealing with him especially at the wedding.

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