Friday, 14 May 2010

The Wedding Reception Gone Bad

Everyone has seen it. That centerpiece that doesn't look quite the same at the table to the left of the wedding party table catches your eye. Or perhaps that simple wall hanging that is just a few shades lighter than the rest of the wall hangings surrounding the reception hall. Perhaps it's just as simple as a few flowers in the centerpiece that are a little shorter than the others. Below are some quick fixes that someone can use to repair a reception decoration gone badly.

Perhaps you have a centerpiece that looks a little more lopsided than the rest. Having a reception decoration that appears to lean to the right or left is distracting to say the least. There is a good chance that people at the table will be keeping one eye on the decoration in anticipation that it will topple over, instead of enjoying the great meal that you've provided them. Depending on what is causing the decoration to tip, there are a few fixes that can be accomplished within a few moments.

If the vase or centerpiece holder for the reception decoration is uneven for some reason, placing a small coin underneath to make it level is a quick and easy way to make things right. And don't worry about people seeing the coin; once the leaning tower of a decoration is fixed, most people will return to concentrating on the nearby friends and lovely food. If the tilted appearance of the decorations is due to something within the centerpiece, try taking some florists tape and bind a few things together at the bottom and fan them out at the top, giving a more even appearance to the wedding decoration.

Perhaps the reception decoration that is catching some unwanted attention is a flower arrangement that is a bit more wilted looking then its partner across the doorway. Having symmetry, especially at an entrance or exit is essential in giving the appearance of a well put together reception. Luckily, there are two possible quick fixes for this problem. The first is to replace the live flowers in both vases with their silk counterparts. Believe it or not, the silk flowers of today are often used as decorations since they give an illusion of the reality that is hard to beat. Another possible solution to this problem is to again take some florist tape, and some stiff wire and bring the wilted flowers up to their full height, using the wire as a brace. It only takes a few moments, and since the florist tape is green, it will often give the illusion of leaves and stems.

The one thing to remember about the decorations though, is that they are simply accessories to the event. The important part of the reception is you, your husband, your families and friends, and the laughter and love that you will enjoy on this day. If a wedding reception decoration is a little bit different, try not to worry about it so much and enjoy the many requests for you and your new husband to kiss.

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