Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Greek Wedding Favors - Why Are These So Wonderful

The Greek wedding is something that brings tears to your eyes. It is rich in tradition, sentimentalism and symbolisms which make the wedding day even more special - if that is possible. The Greek wedding favors normally consist of almonds and they are totally symbolic.

The Meaning Of Greek Wedding Favors

The tradition of offering the guests almonds - usually coated with chocolate - is symbolic of the marriage itself. What it says is that the marriage is like the favor offered - sweet and bitter. Usually the chocolate is much more than the almond which s slightly bitter - which says that though there are biter times, most of it is sweet. In Greek favors, almonds are also a symbol of fertility and chocolate of prosperity. So in one almond - you are reminded of a fertile and prosperous married life as well.

The almonds actually reinforce the common knowledge that marriage is a good thing - but it has its sweet and bitter moments which need to be taken as a whole if you want to make it a success. The Greek wedding favors showers the wisdom of ages with just one symbol - the almond.

One more meaning is that even when the marriage is not so sweet the love of the spouses would make surround it with sweetness and overcome it - the chocolate or candy shell. Isn't this the most beautiful meaning of all?

The traditional Greek favors would be just five such almonds in a beautifully designed packet - each one symbolizing one thing - health, fertility, happiness, wealth and luck. This is what the guests would toast for the newly wedded couple and they in return would gift a little of these wished back to their guests through the Greek wedding favors.

Modern Day Greek Wedding Favors

Today the favors in Greek style come in fancy wedding boxes and definitely more than five. You have choice of flavors of the chocolate and the nuts inside the chocolate. You could even substitute the chocolates altogether with mints in personalized mint tins which are becoming very popular. These cheap wedding favors work very well when you need to be cost effective, since Jordan almonds are offered in bulk via most favor providers online.

There are many other Greek wedding favors - such as roses, but the almonds are the first choice when you want a traditional gift. Looking back into its meaning it definitely is a beautiful way to share your joy and happiness with your guests.

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