Monday, 17 May 2010

Wedding Thank You Cards and Notes

The wedding is a building up of a special bondage with an entirely distinct person that needs certain rituals, ceremonies and above all celebration in a very special way with all dear and the near ones. A very traditional and transcendental custom is to shower lots of wishes and blessings to the newly wed locked couples by way of wedding thank you cards and notes. The couples naturally tend to owe million of thanks to their special guests for being with them on the special day with their precious wishes.

Extending beautiful wedding thank you cards to each of the beloved guest is not only a nice gesture but also is a ritual of etiquette. A simple and sincerely written thank you note is more appreciated than giving thanks by email. Especially when a simple wedding thank you note is hand written on an elegant card it just create a phenomenal impact on the guests’ mind. Understanding the fact that the present era is an era of perfection, wedding celebrations cannot have perfect endings without the thank you cards. An elegant thank you card with gives the overall celebration of the wedding a perfect flavor.

With a smart assortment of the most modern thank you cards one can have a great range of options to choose from, matching with the central theme of the celebration. While writing the wedding thank you card it is quite common to get stumped on how to thank and what to write. As one of the most vital tips to make your thank you card so special, it is important to make a special thank you note. More elegant your personalized note will be, more special will the card will be to your guests. It is recommended to start a wedding thank you note with Dear Mr. Gordon or Dear Dean depending on how much familiar you are with the person. In the very similar manner the note can also be elegantly closed with the words such as “best wishes” or “with love” and etc.

General Guideline For Wedding Thank You Cards

In your reception gathering there may be people very near and dear to you, while there also be certain special guests whom you are not much familiar with. Here are two examples to give a general guideline as to how to create a good thank you card for the wedding.

Thank you card to those who are very dear and near to you:

Dear Dean
Let me give you lots of special thanks for your gracious presence on our special day and for letting us sharing our most jovial moments with you. Like your precious presence your gift too is so special to us and we both are incredibly touched that you gave us the silver photo frame to hold the memory of the magic moments of our life. A million of thanks to you for your gorgeous gift.
With love,

Thank you card to those who are very dear and near to you:

Dear Mr. And Mrs. Gordon,
Thank you for sharing our special moment on the special day with us. Thank you again for the awesome watch that you gifted Selva and me on our wedding. We are enjoying it and will be enjoying it for decades down the line.
Sincerely your’s

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