Monday, 17 May 2010

Wedding Shower Invitations and Ideas

The wedding shower is an exciting event of a wedding. The bride and groom hold wedding showers for their near and dear ones. And to get these near and dear ones come to your event, it is important for you to send out invitations. So for some ideas for free wedding shower invitations, just read on!

One invitation idea for the wedding shower is to focus on the bride and to honor the upcoming nuptials of the wedding occasion. When writing the wedding shower invitation, it is important to mention first that ‘you are invited to a bridal shower’ in the invitation. Another idea is to mention the invitees to the shower and to list the hosts of the event. Then of course, you have to mention the location of the event on the wedding shower invitations, contact information of the person handling all RSVPs and perhaps include some pictures of the bride and groom when in courtship.

Food is a great idea for your wedding shower invitations, where the focus of the shower is a ‘bridal feast’. Create something special with the bridal feast, like a Viking style feast or perhaps an English Royalty feast. You will have to list the essentials of the invitation and a list the type of food to be served. You could ask in the RSVP what the guest intends to bring to the wedding shower to balance out the food. Another idea is to include activities in the wedding shower invitations. This is almost entirely similar in the case of bridal shower invitations. In such an invitation, you will have to list the activities for the shower, the mode of transportation that you have arranged and some description of the shower so that the guests can dress accordingly.

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