Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Candy Bar Wedding Favors

Favors can be the most beautiful, appropriate yet affordable gifts you could give. When you are conscious about your budget yet you do not want to compromise on quality, candy bar wedding favors would be just the right choice. These gifts are universally accepted and loved and if you know how, would cost you a trifle.

Some Tips For Selection

There are many ways to get good quality candy bar wedding favors at very economical costs. Check out the following tips for guidance:

1. Do It Yourself Favors - When you want both quality and quantity there is only one way to be sure of both - make it yourself. It is not very difficult. All you have to do is get hold of a good recipe and get to work. You could do this about two weeks before the D-day so there would be no rush at the nth hour. Also, if anything goes wrong, you could still have time to think of alternatives.

When you do it yourself, you would definitely be sure of the quality of the candy. However, you would also have to package it. Order for favor boxes that match with the team and have it inscribed with your name and the date of the wedding. Have little notes attached to each box where you could write a few lines of personalizes 'thank you' message.

2. Buy on the Internet - the Net is full of candy bar wedding favor websites. All you need is to choose and pay for it. You will have it delivered at your door step within 7-10 days form the order. A word of warning - order only when you are assured that the website is genuine and the credit card page in encrypted.

3. Buy from wholesaler wedding favor websites - check out and identify wholesalers in your area. The Internet would be helpful here, too. Go and negotiate with them on the price. They would definitely give it to you for much less than the market price and you would be able to save a neat bundle.

4. Buy at sales - you could always look for sales for candy. This usually happens after big festivals where you can find homemade Christmas favors, New Year, Easter and the like. You could buy in bulk then and save a lot. This is however not a dependable way to make your purchases.

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